Friday, November 15, 2013

Jewel Believed She was the Creator of Her Life

In Jewel's book Chasing Down the Dawn she writes that when she was living in the van, "... I realized that if all I focused on was limitation, then limit was what I would create. There was a whole world of possibility I had left unexplored, and now I wanted to explore it. It was like a switch in my head."

Jewel was truly bless with a mother who encouraged her to turn her ear to the subtle voice that was inside her.

What do you believe about the voice inside of you?

Do you believe it comes from an intuitive source?

Jewel made a game of manifesting. If there was something she needed she would trust that it would come. She'd get excited, picture it, fantasize about it.

What are your beliefs about manifesting? you ever really thought that you were able to manifest what you wanted in life?

With Love & Light ~