Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Roman Polanski was a Believer

Christopher Sandford writes in his book Polanski: A Biography that Roman Polanski "... had a clear and unshakable belief in his place at the top of the directors' league table, a boast that by and large proved more justifiable as time went on." Do you think that Polanski would have been a successful director, earning an Oscar for directing The Pianists, if he didn't believe that he was a great director?

In a 1986 interview with the journalist Pierre-Andre Boutang Polanski said, "I pep myself up by telling myself I'm the greatest, the most talented, a genus. When I'm working on a film, I truly believe it's going to be a success..."

Do you believe that what you are doing in life will be successful?

Is there something that you do to pep yourself up so that you do believe in yourself?

Do you believe that the pep is vital to your success?

Where does the feeling of being successful fit in your life?

With Love & Light ~