Friday, January 31, 2014

Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) Believed in Himself

David Remnick writes in his book, King of the World, "From the moment Clay won that first fight, he would come home in the evening and tell his parents how he was going to become Champion of the world, ...).

Before he won the Olympics he told everyone that he was going to win.

Ali was also known for predicting how many rounds a fight would go for and that he would win.

Ali really believed he would win and he did.

Do you believe in yourself above all else?

If not why?

What would have to happen for you to believe in yourself?

With Love & Light ~

Friday, January 24, 2014

Did You Make any New Year's Resolution(s)?

If you made New Year's resolution(s) then I would like you to ask yourself a few questions:

Do you really feel that it's necessary for you to make New Year's resolution(s)?

How important do you believe or feel that it is to make New Year's resolutions(s)?

Do you believe that my making New Year's resolution(s) you will be more likely to meet your goals?

Do you believe or feel that making New Year's resolution(s) is something that is expected of you?

How would you feel if you never made a New Year's resolution(s)?

With Love & Light ~